Salisbury Fire software presentation?

For those of you who use Matt Salisbury’s TRA program for radiation analysis may be aware that he has recently released a new program called Fire. Salisburyfire Ltd | Software
I was invited to sit in on a presentation on the new features the other day as part of a presentation to some Australian users.

This replaces TRA and includes it in the new program, along with evacuation modelling, heat transfer, tenability and some other features. The probabilistic module hasn’t been finished yet. It has a lot of improvements such as data importing, including backgrounds to help developing the models.

Would anyone here be interested in an online presentation on the program by the author ? It is around 1.5 hours or so. Matt is in the UK, so it would be after hours. He has offered to do it on Teams or Zoom , if we can get enough people interested

I’d be keen, big fan!

4 Fire Engineers from NDY keen.

I would be keen to sit in.

We would be keen, too. Using the TRA calculations fairly regularly.
Marlis Haertel

Two engineers from TMCo NZ please.

For those who didn’t see the Secretary’s newsletter before

SFPE NZ online Webinar: Introduction to the new FiRE software
Save the date: Thursday 23rd November 11:00 – 12:00 (NZDT)
This webinar will provide an introduction for Fire Engineers to the use and capabilities of FiRE.
The software includes:
• Thermal Radiation Analysis – Provides analyse of complex or simple thermal radiation problems
• ASET/ RSET – including egress, smoke and tenability calculations. People, exit doors, stairs, escalators and lifts can be modelled with a 2-layer smoke model including natural & mechanical smoke ventilation. Multi-rooms (or Spaces) can be connected, and time dependent fire growth can be used. Sprinkler activation time can be calculated.
• Heat Transfer – 2D Finite Element Analysis A heat transfer model is included using a Finite Element Analysis method.
• Heat Transfer – 1D A parametric temperature-time analysis function is provided including Hp/A heating regimes.
After the presentation, there will be an opportunity for Q&A.
More details and meeting link, to follow.