C/AS2 (amendment 3) combined Table 2.2

A little bit of confusion:
For Risk Group WB, < 100 occupants and escape height of < 4m - the table requires a Type 2 system, however note 1c “system not required” has potential to be applied
[For risk groups WB, in single level buildings with a storage height is less than 3.0 m and the escape route serves no more than 50 people.]
This is a change from amendment 2, table 2.2c.
The only possible logical conclusion I can apply here is, that this reference could only relate to a single storied building with limited area intermediate floor - hence the escape height.
e.g. workshop/factory/manufacturing
Otherwise, where storage height exceeds 3m a Type 3 system is required.
a) is there some other building configuration I am missing ?
b) simple error in the table ?
c) requires MBIE comment/clarification ?

suggestions welcome

In essence, what the table is now inferring (note 1c) is that:
a WB firecell with an escape height >0 but <4m and an occupant load of < 50 persons does not require a Type 2 fire alarm system.
i.e. offices / storage (< 3m high) above a - retail / carpark / other office firecell ? ? ?