C/AS1 scope includes outbuildings. The term outbuilding referring to clause A1 classified uses. Outbuildings are loosely defined in A1 as; buildings or uses; included within each classified use; not intended for human habitation; that are accessory to a principal use. C/AS1 table C/AS2 table 1.1 makes reference to outbuildings against risk group SH and WB, confirming a distinction between SH and WB. If we take table C/AS1 table1.1, I know that this table was changed to create risk group subcategories to alleviate the crowd/ not crowd problem for C3.4. Given this I also know that the term outbuilding was used in table 1.1 on purpose to distinguish between outbuildings and a buildings/ uses that are intermittently occupied. We therefore need to think carefully as to whether SH or WB is applicable when providing advice. A number of factors can be used to distinguish between WB, (intermittently occupied spaces), and SH, (outbuildings). Legislation requires for example that there must be another classified use, (primary in nature), on the lot/ in the building for a use/ building to be considered an outbuilding, we also have the examples in A1, carports, farm buildings, garages, sheds etc. Obviously, these examples, if applied without due consideration could lead to issues. I have for example seen people trying to justify multi level carpark buildings as outbuildings saying they are garages. I also know that commercial greenhouses may be occupied for extensive periods of time. Any thoughts on factors to consider when distinguishing between outbuildings and intermittently occupied spaces?