Wojciech Węgrzyński who hosts the Fire Scince Show podcast (a must listen) at https://www.firescienceshow.com/ has recently relased an online course website whcih has some useful info for new fire engineers. CPEng applcants shoudl have a look at them and the core competency and skills section, along with the SFPE Body of Knowledge in our resopurces section.
For those interested in furthering their knowledge and skills in fire protection engineering, exploring the materials offered by the Fire Science Show community can be a great step. In the meantime, we can relax a bit and talk about gaming. Recently found a lot of casino information at https://www.slotozilla.com/nz/no-deposit-bonus and now ready to check out all the bonuses) Who’s with me?) In addition, SFPE offers a wealth of knowledge and educational opportunities, including webinars, technical courses, and publications that advance knowledge in the field of fire protection engineering.