Firewall is a firewall or a fire separation.
The key difference is a firewall needs to stand up, even after a building falls down.
The fire separation has to be intact.
So structural steel through fire walls SHOULD NOT BE DONE, PLEASE. Dividing existing buildings up need to have that taken into account. A pier and a column on each side of the firewall would be suggested, unless you created a firewall with beam pockets, such that the required fire separation was maintained between the pockets.
This will deal with the structural issue.
The fire issue of the penetration while it could be done with intumescent or with another approval material such as drywall and than a thin link of caulking or accepting the tight fit, and relying on the intumescent of the beam paint to provide for the gap expansion required.
Hilti is looking for you to pass on the need for more testing for the intumescent to intumescent reaction at elevated temperatures, so that they can research funding perhaps? It’s a point that would need a Master’s student to have a look, and provide a point of view review, if not a group of them from a few universities.
You could test the product and the connection too, yourself for your own self re-assurance.
As for the insulation requirements that depends, since it’s not an exterior wall, what normal thermal transfer are you looking to prevent.
If you are referring to sound insulation, yes the beam will transfer that energy by it’s very nature, disconnect the beam, provides a break in the circuit that allows the transfer of energy and thereby solves that problem. Note it also helps with the thermal transfer, and the structural stability of the wall.
Sorry there are points of confusion, in what you are asking so there is only so much i can provide without some language clarification. Aka firewall or fire-separation, which is a function of which regulations that govern the project.