SFPE (NZ) Webinar - The new Guide to Firefighting Operations

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Conference ID: 4168916

Time and day
Tuesday 8th May 12-13:00
The new Guide to Firefighting Operations
Presentation synopsis
Bill Lalor, National Operations Advisor (Infrastructure), will present some of the information contained in the recently released chapters of The Guide to Firefighting Operations. The guide is intended to help building designers demonstrate NZBC Clause C5. It has been prepared to inform those involved in the design of buildings on how firefighters are likely to undertake the required firefighting and rescue operations. Further information can be found on the FENZ website:

Online webinar (no physical location). Connect using the link above

Any questions, please contact either
Michael James, Origin Fire, mike.j@originfire.co.nz, 021 708460
Greg North, Beca, greg.north@beca.com, 027 499 5657

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