This is a subject I am passionate about so I am forwarding on an email from the FPA and encourage you to make a submission in support since a significant number of fires are extinguished with fire equipment without the need to call the Fire Service/FENZ, saving millions of dollars in damage.
Nicky Marshall
FPA email:
For some time now we have wanted to find a way to utilize the valuable information & data we collected during our NZFS sponsored survey, I believe that time is now. Simon Davis recently brought to our attention there might be an opportunity to have the requirement for Hand Operated Fire-Fighting Equipment mandated in the review of the Building and Evacuation regulations so, if we pass up this opportunity we do ourselves a disservice. The HOFFE Sig Group has put a submission in on behalf of the FPA and EVAC SIG who are heavily involved have also endorsed our view point . However, some HOFFE members may wish also to make their own submission. You can also do so by emailing the DIA directly on the link below, you use any of the supplied wording below by cutting and pasting onto your own company letterhead or altering your comments as you see fit. Unfortunately all submissions need to be in 5pm Friday 8 September 2017
NZFS HOFFE Research Review 2016.pdf
Thank you in advance, Steve Smith- HOFFE SIG Chairman
DIA link for more information on submissions
Or you can email your submission to
Draft wording for your use below
Re: Submissions for the “Fire & Emergency New Zealand Regulations (Fire safety & evacuation of buildings, & offences & penalties).
To whom it may concern,
We work with many groups within the fire equipment industry including what was the New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS) & has now become Fire & Emergency New Zealand. As an industry initiative, the then NZFS commissioned funded & supported a survey to determine the costs & benefits of installing hand operated fire-fighting equipment in relation to fires in non-residential buildings. In order to independently quantify the results, the results were quantified by Civic Futures a report made available by the then New Zealand Fire Service .
Our HOFFE group agree that as stated in the report there is a substantial benefit for our economy that can be realized if the there was a mandated requirement for suitable hand operated fire-fighting equipment to be installed in non-residential buildings. This view is stated within the study undertaken & expressed in the published conclusion that “This report concluded that a positive cost benefit case can be made for the installation of fire extinguishers in specific types of buildings.”, these findings are consistent with similar overseas studies.
We would like to see the proven results of the study recognized by inclusion in the current revision of the “Fire Safety & Evacuation of Building Regulations”. As demonstrated by the attached report (148) the inclusion of Hand Operated Fire-Fighting Equipment in non-residential buildings can be of significant benefit to the New Zealand community & economy.
The guidelines for how to select, supply, install & maintain Hand Operated Fire-Fighting Equipment (HOFFE) are already published in NZS 4503:2005. This means that should the equipment be formally mandated for non-residential buildings the mechanisms are in place for ensuring the right equipment goes into the right places & is maintained correctly so as to ensure that it is fit for purpose should it be required either by the occupants, the Fire & Emergency personnel or a member of the public who may be present.
Kind regards
Team @ FPA
Fire Protection Association NZ
P: +64 9 414 4450
F: +64 9 414 5707