Hospital Fire Presentation

Hi all

The next local branch (Dunedin) meeting for the year will be on Monday, 11th December starting 16:30.

Craig Carr, Director of Intensive Care Medicine at Dunedin Hospital will be presenting about his personal experience of hospital fires.

Craig was on duty during the Royal Marsden Hospital fire (2008) which required a full hospital evacuation. He will speak about this experience and his involvement in hospital fire safety since then

You can read about this and other UK hospital fire here:

His presentation will be 30-40 minutes with time for questions afterwards.

The presentation will be in the Beca Dunedin office (address below) and online (join using the Skype Meeting link below). Should you wish to test this Skype link in advance of the meeting, please call me directly.

You are welcome to forward this reminder onto other interested parties.

Best regards

Greg North CPEng
Associate – Fire Engineer
Level 5, 229 Moray Place, Dunedin 9016
Phone: +64 3 477 4202 Fax: +64 800 578 967
DDI: +64 3 477 3126 Mob: +64 27 499 5657

Join Skype Meeting:
Join by phone
+64 (9) 301 3793
Conference ID: 4168916

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Hi everyone,

A reminder this webinar is on this afternoon (Monday).

A very interesting presentation. Easy to follow remotely.

Agreed, the Skype VC worked well. Thanks for arranging Greg.

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This was an excellent presentation (and the technology worked pretty well). Thanks for organising it Greg.
It was interesting to compare what was supposed to happen with what did happen - smoke filling places it shouldn’t, the extent that luck (and planning) plays such as the number of patients and their level of care which would have an effect on the outcome, and the differences to NZ practice, and the effect of human behavior and management.
Was this recorded so anyone who missed it could see it? Definitely worthwhile seeing if you missed it

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The event was recorded but is being edited by SDHB and should be available in Feb 2018. I will inform the forum once it is available.