Auckland Council consent processing presentation

For those who haven’t seen it, IPENZ Auckland branch are running a presentation from Auckland Council on Consent processing and issues. They have done this before and it is useful for those in the area.

Auckland Council Presentation ­– Building Consents
When 23 May 2017, 5:30 PM

Duration Two hours

Cost Free

Location Parnell Jubilee Hall, 545 Parnell Road, Parnell,
Do you want to know more about Auckland Council Building Consents?

Rose McLaughlan, Manager Policy, has been in building control since 1987 and heads the Policy team and is responsible for accreditation, BCA policies and procedures, including the management of the producer statement policy; training and technical development of building control officers.

Rose will facilitate a panel of Council staff who will each speak to you on different topics:

Jeff Fahrensohn, Manager Inspections: will cover some of the issues we see onsite in Auckland and how engineers can help address the problems.

Denise Whelan, Quality Assurance Auditor: will discuss the Practice areas and working within them; quality of site observations; and the need for photographs.

Daniel Sansbury - Manager Natural Resources & Specialist Input, Resource Consents: will talk about the Development Engineering team and their requirements for building / resource consents as well as updates on Unitary Plan hot topics.