It is noted that AS/NZS 1668.1 cited in the Compliance Documents is still the 1998 version. Any idea why this has not been updated to the latest 21st century version?
Maybe you should ask MBIE directly
I asked MBIE exactly that on 1st March!
I asked MBIE on the 6th, the 13th, the 17th and finally got an “answer” on the 21st.
And their answer was what, Jaon?
"The Verification Method is a calculation method for fire engineering and does not limit the designer to any model or standard for compliance. The appropriate design standards for systems are to be agreed though the FEB process.
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The standards have not been updated in C/AS1-7 since 2014 due to the Fire Programme and any impact of the new standards needs to be fully understood before the new standard is referenced."
My view is that if the powers that be in the HVAC industry deemed it appropriate to update their standard surely we as fire safety engineers should automatically adopt the new version, especially given the changes relate largely to smoke extract.